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Welcome to International Accreditation and Training Organization of Professional License
IATOPL is the leading global council for the accreditation of professional training. We have been at the forefront of working with education to create professional cultivation standards and techniques that work.  
IATOPL reached a credit mutual recognition agreement with many well-known universities
in the States and IATOPL is also coordinate with CIAI, AIPQMI,COSA, IPQMI,-----etc.
well-known international organizations to hold global financial, taxation, investment, law,
wealth management, securities management, economics and e-commerce and other issues
of international symposiums.

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Nominate or apply for 2013 IATOPL Professional Awards.
Help us recognize outstanding projects, individuals and organizations and move the profession forward.

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Changing Economy, Changing Portfolio

Today's economic outlook is forcing organizations to change the way they manage their portfolio.

The status of Courtesy Associate is offered to organizations with which the IATOPL wishes to...

foster a closer working relationship...


Become Partnership
As an international association, the IATOPL enables our members to develop robust expertise for managing the massive volumes of finance, accounting, and enterprise management generated by today's businesses. For the past years we have worked to bring recognition of professional cultivation issues to the world. As a result, the IATOPL has adopted the role of industry catalyst for the development of professional specifications and global standards, and education... 
IATOPL Fellow of the Year Award
The purpose of this award is to recognize one IATOPL member for outstanding contribution(s) to the development and advancement of the professional cultivation and contribution(s) to the Institute completed in the previous calendar year. 
Flexible Program Scope
-industries and service sectors. Starting with planning, budgeting and controlling programs extending further to Professional Cultivational and Accreditation in general and on to functional programs in risk management and compliance or corporate governance.
License Category Title of License
License of Business Management CBM - Certificate of Business Management
CQM - Certificate of Quality Management
CRM - Certificate of Risk Management
CITM - Certificate of Information Technology Management
CIE - Certificate of Industrial Engineering
CMM - Certificate of Marketing Management
CLM - Certificate of Logistics Management
CHCM - Certificate of Health Care Management
CPM - Certificate of Production Management
CHM - Certificate of Hospitality Management
CNM - Certificate of Network Management
CLS - Certificate of Labor Safety
CHRM - Certificate of Human Resource Management
CMM - Certificate of Manufacturing Management
CPRP - Certificate of Public Relation Professional
License of Consultant CFM - Certified Financial Management
CMA - Certified Management Accountant
CCSA - Certificate of Control Self-Assessment
CIA - Certified Internal Auditor
CFSA - Certified Financial Service Auditor
CFP - Certified Financial Planner
CISA - Certified Information System Auditor
CSM - Certificate of Sport Management
CBSM - Certificate of Business Strategy Management
CFM - Certificate of Functional Management
RFS - Recorded Financial Specialist
CRA - Certificate of Risk Analyst
CAM - Certificate of Asset Manager
CPM - Certificate of Portfolio Manger
CTEP - Certificate of Trust & Estate Planner
CMA - Certificate of Market Analyst
CPMP - Certificate of Project Management Professional
Professional License CHM - Certificate of Housekeeping Management
CN - Certificate in Nanny
PGC - Pet Groomer Certificate
CC - Certificate of Cosmetologist
BC - Baking Certificate
BC - Bartender Certificate
CA - Certificate of Agronomy
CGD - Certificate in Gardening  Design
CHD - Certificate in Hair  Design
NTC - Nail Technician Certificate
CP - Certificate in Photographic
FDC - Floral Design Certificate
DMP - Doctor of Management Professional
CMC - Certificate in Mental Calculation
MCP - Master of Communication Professional
CCM - Certified Communication Management
CEE - Certified Electrical Engineering
EEP - Electrical Engineering Professional
EMP - Electrical Management Professional
CHE - Certified Hydraulic Engineering
HEP - Hydraulic Engineering Professional
HEMP - Hydraulic Engineering Management Professional
CCW - Certificate of Commercial Wiring
CIW - Certificate of Industrial Wiring
CMC - Certificate of Micro-Controller (Specialist Class)
CMC - Certificate of Micro-Controller (Practice Class)
CECSU - Certificate of Electronic Components Soldering and Unsoldering (Specialist Class)
CECSU - Certificate of Electronic Components Soldering and Unsoldering (Practice Class)
CCT - Certificate of Communication Technology
CTOP - Certificate of Telecommunication Outdoor Plant
CDLD - Certificate of Digital Logic Design (Practice Class)
CCSA - Certificate of Computer Software Application (B-level)
CCSA - Certificate of Computer Software Application (C-level)
CWD - Certificate of Web Design (B-level)
CWD - Certificate of Web Design (C-level)
CMWES - Certificate of Microsoft Word Expert Specialist (B-level)
CMEES - Certificate of Microsoft Excel Expert Specialist (B-level)
CMPPS - Certificate of Microsoft Power Point Specialist (B-level)
CMAS - Certificate of Microsoft Access Specialist (B-level)
CMOS - Certificate of Microsoft Outlook Specialist (B-level)
CWCDS - Certificate of Web Communication Dreamweaver Specialist (B-level)
CRMCFS - Certificate of Rich Media Communication Flash Specialist (B-level)
CVCPS - Certificate of Visual Communication Photoshop Specialist (B-level)
CM - Certificate of Mechetronics
Certificate of Bride Secretary Professional (CBSP) (Level-A)
Certificate of Bride Secretary Professional (CBSP) (Level-B)
Certificate of Bride Secretary Professional (CBSP) (Level-C)
FBPCB - Food Baking-Pastry Cakes Bread (A-level)
FBFB - Food Baking-Food Baking (A-Level)
FBBC - Food Baking-Bread Cookies (A-Level)
FBPC - Food Baking-Pastry Cakes (A-Level)
FBBPCC - Food Baking-Bread Pastry Cakes Cookies (A-Level)
FBS - Food Baking-Snacks (Chinese & Western Style) (A-Level)
FBPCC - Food Baking-Pastry Cakes Cookies (A-Level)
FBC - Food Baking-Cookies (Chinese & Western Style) (A-Level)
FBCC - Food Baking-Cookies & Cakes (Chinese & Western Style) (A-Level)
FBCB - Food Baking-Cookies & Bread (Chinese & Western Style) (A-Level)
FBB - Food Baking-Bread (Chinese & Western Style) (A-Level)
FBB - Food Baking-Bread (A-Level)
FBC - Food Baking-Cookies (A-Level)
CCCV - Chinese Cuisine Cookery-Vegetarian diet(A-Level)
CCCM - Chinese Cuisine Cookery-Meat diet (A-Level)
FBPCB - Food Baking-Pastry Cakes Bread (B-level)
FBFB - Food Baking-Food Baking (B-Level)
FBBC - Food Baking-Bread Cookies (B-Level)
FBPC - Food Baking-Pastry Cakes (B-Level)
FBPCC - Food Baking-Pastry Cakes Cookies (B-Level)
FBPCB - Food Baking-Pastry Cakes Bread (B-Level)
FBBPCC - Food Baking-Bread Pastry Cakes Cookies (B-Level)
FBS - Food Baking-Snacks (Chinese & Western Style) (B-Level)
FBPCC - Food Baking-Pastry Cakes Cookies (B-Level)
FBC - Food Baking-Cookies (Chinese & Western Style) (B-Level)
FBCC - Food Baking-Cookies & Cakes (Chinese & Western Style) (B-Level)
FBCB - Food Baking-Cookies & Bread (Chinese & Western Style) (B-Level)
FBB - Food Baking-Bread (Chinese & Western Style) (B-Level)
FBB - Food Baking-Bread (B-Level)
FBPC - Food Baking-Pastry Cakes (B-Level)
FBC - Food Baking-Cookies (B-Level)
FBPCB - Food Baking-Pastry Cakes Bread (C-level)
FBBC - Food Baking-Bread Cookies (C-Level)
FBPC - Food Baking-Pastry Cakes (C-Level)
FBPCC - Food Baking-Pastry Cakes Cookies (C-Level)
FBFB - Food Baking-Food Baking (C-Level)
FBBPCC - Food Baking-Bread Pastry Cakes Cookies (C-Level)
FBS - Food Baking-Snacks (Chinese & Western Style) (C-Level)
FBC - Food Baking-Cookies (Chinese & Western Style) (C-Level)
FBCC - Food Baking-Cookies & Cakes (Chinese & Western Style) (C-Level)
FBCB - Food Baking-Cookies & Bread (Chinese & Western Style) (C-Level)
FBB - Food Baking-Bread (Chinese & Western Style) (C-Level)
FBB - Food Baking-Bread (C-Level)
FBC - Food Baking-Cookies (C-Level)
CCCV - Chinese Cuisine Cookery-Vegetarian diet(B-Level)
CCCM - Chinese Cuisine Cookery-Meat diet (B-Level)
CCCV - Chinese Cuisine Cookery-Vegetarian diet(C-Level)
CCCM - Chinese Cuisine Cookery-Meat diet (C-Level)
IMA - Internet Marketing Analyst (C-level)
IMP - Internet Marketing Planner (C-level)
CIBHEP - Certificate of International Business Hosting Etiquette Professional (C-level)
CIBSEP - Certificate of International Business Social Etiquette Professional (C-level)
Certificate of Japanese Language Professional (CJLP) (Level-A)
Certificate of Japanese Language Professional (CJLP) (Level-B)
Certificate of Japanese Language Professional (CJLP) (Level-C)
Certificate of Chinese Language Professional (CCLP) (Level-A)
Certificate of Chinese Language Professional (CCLP) (Level-B)
Certificate of Chinese Language Professional (CCLP) (Level-C)
Certificate of Fashion Design -Level-A (CFD-Level-A)
Certificate of Fashion Design -Level-B (CFD-Level-B)
Certificate of Fashion Design -Level-C (CFD-Level-C)
Certificate of I Ching Divination-Level-A (CICD-Level-A)
Certificate of I Ching Divination-Level-B (CICD-Level-B)
Certificate of I Ching Divination-Level-C (CICD-Level-C)
Certificate of I Ching Eight Characters Horoscope -Level-A (CICECH-Level-A)
Certificate of I Ching Eight Characters Horoscope -Level-B (CICECH-Level-B)
Certificate of I Ching Eight Characters Horoscope -Level-C (CICECH-Level-C)
Certificate of I Ching Fengshui and Environmental Planning -Level-A (CICFEP-Level-A)
Certificate of I Ching Fengshui and Environmental Planning -Level-B (CICFEP-Level-B)
Certificate of I Ching Fengshui and Environmental Planning -Level-C (CICFEP-Level-C)
Certificate of I Ching Nameology-Level-A (CICN-Level-A)
Certificate of I Ching Nameology-Level-B (CICN-Level-B)
Certificate of I Ching Nameology-Level-C (CICN-Level-C)
Certificate of I Ching Qigong- Level-A (CICQ-Level-A)
Certificate of I Ching Qigong- Level-B (CICQ-Level-B)
Certificate of I Ching Qigong- Level-C (CICQ-Level-C)
Certificate of I Ching Zi Wei Dou Shu-Level-A (CICZWDS-Level-A)
Certificate of I Ching Zi Wei Dou Shu-Level-B (CICZWDS-Level-B)
Certificate of I Ching Zi Wei Dou Shu-Level-C (CICZWDS-Level-C)
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